Top Pros And Cons Of An Open-Plan Office

An open-plan office calls for the removal of physical walls to create a layout where all employees work in the same open space, on the same floor. This leads to an activity-based workplace and promotes higher job productivity. The absence of walls also allows increased freedom of movement resulting in brainstorming sessions and idea-sharing. 

However, such layouts may end up being the cause of a decrease in person-to-person interaction. The environment they create can also result in employee distractions, stress, and anxiety. 

Therefore, while doing office space planning, weighing the pros and cons of an open-plan office is necessary before making a decision. 

Benefits Of An Open-Plan Office

If you decide to base your office interior design on an open-plan office, you will be able to avail a plethora of benefits for your company. 

Less Expensive To Set Up 

If you’re on a budget, office renovation can become a lot easier with open-plan offices. 

Office interior designers have estimated that setting up standing desks for an open-plan office costs less than half the amount of setting up the same number of cubicles. This is because open-plan offices require limited infrastructure (including office system furniture) which saves money on setup costs. 

Additionally, it allows fitting in more people and resources in a smaller space, which brings considerable savings for a business.

Promotes Feelings Of Equity And Trust 

When employees are situated next to managers, a sense of unity and equality is developed. It builds trust and comfort between owners and staff as everyone appears to be working on an equal level. 

Such plans also allow improved employee interactions. Open communication and shared workspaces eliminate secretiveness and increase employee satisfaction. 

Inspires Higher Levels Of Creativity

Like people can flow through open offices, creativity can too!

In an open environment, people can communicate and share ideas easily. With the interaction between like-minded people, creativity and innovative concepts are bound to spark. 

For employees who require a quiet workspace, booths can be an ideal solution while still allowing the rest of the staff to enjoy the benefits of an open-plan office.

Encourages Better Social Relations

Breaking down walls makes everyone a lot more approachable. Interacting with colleagues, building healthy relations, and asking for help become much easier. 

With people being more accessible, different teams get to work together while also allowing the senior and junior staff to know each other more closely. Along with having an incredible impact on the social atmosphere of an office, the chance to create new links also fosters great work relations.

Drawbacks Of An Open-Plan Office

There are also some downsides to opening things up. Every organization has different needs, and no perfect office plan works for everyone. Therefore, consider both sides of the story before adding your final decision to your office interior design.

Noise Pollution Hinders Productivity

Noise travels more easily in spaces with no barriers or obstacles. This means there is no shield from office talk traffic.  

People who are easily distracted may find it hard to work in such environments. It may also become increasingly difficult to take calls and concentrate on tasks that require extra focus. 

Reduced Privacy For Employees

Since open-plan offices have little to no barriers, there is no concept of privacy. 

Employees may feel that they are on “display.” This constant feeling of being watched all the time may not only be overwhelming for your introverted workers but may also be disliked by your extroverted workers. In addition, the need to appear busy all the time may be stressful. 

If you do opt for an open-plan office, here’s how you can ensure privacy for your employees:

  • Introduce privacy pods for sensitive work and/or phone calls.
  • Incorporate portable partitions to curb disturbances.
  • Install privacy screens around individual workstations.

Greater Chance Of Transmitting Diseases

While increased social interactions have numerous benefits, they can also have a negative impact on your health. 

Open-plan offices increase the risk of transmitting cold and flu from other members. Having to sit next to a person who is sneezing and coughing all day will increase your chance of catching the germ for sure. 

This, in turn, will affect the output of a company. The more the employees fall sick, the more the absentees and hence the lesser the productivity. 

Here are some quick and easy tips to ensure the health and safety of your employees if you’re opting for an open-plan office:

  • Install perspex screens to separate your employees
  • Regularly clean the desks throughout the day
  • Make hand sanitizer available to all employees at all times

Is An Open-Plan Office Right For You?

If you are certain that “cultural collisions” and collaborations are what you’re looking for, then open-plan offices are the right choice for you. 

The key to making an open-plan office layout work for your company is to understand how it can assist your team in achieving your goals. You should ensure that you’re utilizing it in a way that does not take away much from your company and employees’ well-being but focuses on your aims, increases flexibility, and improves company culture. 

If you need assistance any step of the way, don’t hesitate to reach out to us — our office interior design portfolio showcases the numerous instances we’ve aided people with office renovations!