Top 3 Office Configurations To Apply

The office continues to play a crucial role in the business world, even though the work as we know it has changed drastically. Even with these changes, the office is still as effective in enhancing business performance and helping in producing positive outcomes. Therefore, it’s critical for companies to create a workplace that’ll be beneficial for their business. To help you figure out which office configurations suit your brand when working on your office interior design, we’ve compiled for you the top 3 office layouts to choose from.  

Hybrid Office

The hybrid office is starting to make a lot more sense for the current situation and is also looking to become the office of the future. This is because a hybrid office includes many aspects that can benefit companies, especially in the pandemic world that demands for mobility, flexibility and adaptability in how people work.

A hybrid office comprises different areas with both open space and private settings. So ideally it is a layout that includes cubicles to open-plan to co-working setups. This layout aims to create balance and accommodate the different kinds of working requirements. For example, some employees may want to work alone and away from the buzz, whereas some prefer to work together in a collaborative setting, while others are partially or full remote – and the office need to be set up to accommodate.


Offers flexibility. Workers have many options to work from different types of workstations. Gives more choice to employees on how they want to work. This approach has proven to help increase productivity and improve overall wellness. 


Due to including different aspects of many office styles, applying a hybrid office may be tricky in terms of space and budget. You need well-thought office space planning and office renovation to use the space you have effectively. You will definitely the help of a office interior design company here.

For more about a hybrid office plan, read the article here

Open space plan

The open space design had its start in the1950s. It was a move away from a more traditional approach, which has its focus on division where areas were assigned for specific tasks and separated by positions. 

In contrast with assigned seats, an open plan has shared seating to allow more collaboration, enhance communication, and give more freedom for workers to move around the office. This type of office configuration is popular amongst tech and creative companies. 

An open-plan layout features unassigned workstations and shared big tables. Even when there are partitions between seats, they’re usually portable and visible to prevent  


  • Allows better communication and collaboration.
  • Cost effective and easier to apply than, say, a hybrid office. 


  • May not be suitable for a situation like the pandemic as an open space lacks borders and social distance. 
  • Can cause more distractions

Cubicle Office Plan

It can be said that a cubicle office configuration is the classic office style. With cubicles, people are separated, which is similar to how it was in the beginning times of offices. As outdated as it is, the cubicle configuration is still widely used by many companies, particularly corporate offices. 

In a cubicle layout, seating is separated and partitions, giving more privacy. And in the time of Covid-19, provides more safety. 


  • Increases focus for those who prefer working in a quiet and private setting. 
  • Limits distractions. 
  • Better support for effective health and safety protocols as distancing can be maintained effectively. 


  • Outdated layout. It can be counterproductive to the needs of today’s working world.
  • Requires ample space as each cubicle takes up a lot of it. 
  • Not conducive to collaboration and communication. 

Whichever configurations you choose, a credible and professional office building company is crucial in creating the best office for you and your team. Because, let’s face it, without the proper implementation, it doesn’t matter which office configurations you desire, the outcome will not be as expected. 

The team at SORDC has ample experience in many aspects of office building. Therefore, if you’re looking for one, look no further. Give us a call, and we’ll make sure to provide you with the best offer out there!