Office Lighting Guide: Making Functional, Space-Enhancing Choices

Office lighting – this isn’t a standard, universal system that’s always generic in corporate buildings. On the contrary! A lighting system can easily be personalised during the office renovation process.

Choosing the right lights goes way beyond aesthetics. The amount of light (and its quality!) available in a workspace will set the right mood, ensure employee safety and even contribute to a productivity boost.

If you’re working with an office renovation contractor on upgrades right now, here are some of the main considerations to go through when planning the venue’s brand new lighting system.

Main Factors to Consider When Choosing Office Lighting

There are certain considerations that will help you narrow down the kinds of lighting systems appropriate for inclusion in a new office interior design project.

First of all, think about the size of the space and the layout. Choosing lights for an open floor office is one thing. Installing lights in individual rooms is completely different.

The availability of natural light and the general brightness inside the venue will also have to be examined. These factors will determine the best placement of light fixtures, as well as the bulb intensity/colour combinations that make the most sense.

Finally, functional areas will benefit from much more concentrated and adjustable light solutions. These are the spots where people need to perform specific tasks that require good and accurate illumination. Lights that can be brightened or dimmed are also a good choice, especially for parts of the office like the meeting room or recreation room.

Using Natural Light in the Best Way Should Be Your Main Priority

Any office interior designer you ask will confirm that no artificial choice is better than natural light.

Research shows that employees in offices that use mostly natural light enjoy a significant reduction in eye strain, vision problems and headaches than their peers who work in artificially-lit offices. Natural light regulates hormone production, helps in the maintenance of a healthy sleep cycle and improves cognitive function.

There are ways to make the most of natural light, even if offices that don’t have massive windows.

Materials that reflect light throughout the office can optimise natural sunshine. Something as simple as the strategic placement of mirrors can create a sense of more brightness.

Such strategies should be utilised to bring natural light to the most heavily used office areas. The lighting system should always serve as a backup but it cannot replace the benefits of sunshine.

Choosing Lights to Maximise Productivity

Most people spend about eight hours per day at the office. That’s a lot of time and productivity levels will vary throughout the day.

A well-chosen office lighting system can help create an atmosphere conducive of productivity and high levels of engagement.

First, think about the different types of lights and their colours.

Warm lights have a more yellow colour while cooler varieties will give a white or blueish glare. Generally speaking, warmer lights are considered better for relaxation. They’re a good choice for a chill-out area or the office café. Cool tones enhance concentration.

As far as types of lights go, two choices are considered quite popular today – LED and fluorescent lights.

LED lights can be more expensive upfront but they contribute to much better energy efficiency in the long run. They can also create a healthier environment. The LED lights can be dimmed and their brightness is very easy to adjust. As a result, the artificial lights in the office can resemble the brightness and intensity of natural light through the day.

There is some research suggesting fluorescent lights could contribute to migraines and migraine-like symptoms. Hence, if you have the choice, do pick LED lights. While you may have to invest a bit more upfront, they’ll definitely yield a better return on investment.

Stylistic Considerations

Now that the functional aspects are out of the way, you can have fun with some stylistic considerations.

Your office renovation contractor will usually come up with an overall redesign concept. It will focus on all aspects of elevating the space, including the selection of the right lighting fixture styles.

Would you go modern or a bit more rustic? Would you incorporate futuristic lights into the design of the venue? There isn’t a correct answer here. The choice depends on the style you’re going for and the vision that will be most appropriate in terms of branding.

If your office has a waiting/reception area, you should be extra focused on the selection of stunning fixtures there. This is the first part of the space that office visitors see. You definitely want to create an amazing first impression.

Do understand the fact that spending a ton of money on fixtures doesn’t guarantee the perfect result that your company needs. Good choices are about consistency and expressing your corporate values/vision through careful selection of every single element added to the office.

Modern office lighting comes in many varieties. It’s a good idea to research some possibilities in advance. This way, you’ll acquaint yourself with the market and feel a bit more confident when exploring options alongside your interior designer.

Speaking of which, take enough time and choose the right team for the job. SORDC has decades of experience and extensive understanding of both functional and aesthetic considerations. We can help you accomplish a complete transformation that is cost-efficient and in line with your goals.

Contact us today and schedule your no-obligations first consultation with our team. Not only can we work on lighting system creation together, we can produce a comprehensive project for the enhancement of the corporate venue your business occupies.