5 Crucial Office Design Mistakes to Avoid
The right office design can be so beneficial, and yet some companies still overlook its importance. From boosting productivity to improving health and impressing clients, office design should therefore be well-planned and crucial mistakes should be avoided at all cost. Failing to create a well-designed office can inhibit work productivity, and you certainly don’t want that. So without further ado, here are the 5 significant office design mistakes your company should avoid when embarking on new office space or office renovation in Singapore.
Not Consistent With Your Brand
The office is one way that you can showcase what your brand is all about. For example, let’s say your business focuses on sustainability and working to better the environment. You need to reflect that commitment in your office design. Doing the opposite will send mixed messages, and surely you want to avoid it as it’s bad for business. Just think about it, would you like to work with a brand that is inconsistent? The likelihood of someone wanting to work with a company that isn’t reflecting their commitment is slimmer than one that can show their undeviating cause to the brand.
Not Having the Right Balance
Almost in all aspects of life, balance is key. This also holds true in the working world, especially in this era, where flexible and hybrid working styles have become the choice for many. Therefore, your workspace should be able to accommodate the different workers’ preferences. So avoid having an office design that is too traditional or too open. For instance, if some of your employees prefer to work in privacy, provide an area where they can do just that. For example, a cubicle space can provide the needed space for privacy. Similarly, if some of your workers are extroverts who like to collaborate, an open space layout should also be available.
Improper Lighting Fixtures
Did you know that bad lighting(one that is too dim or too bright) can substantially affect work productivity? Both lighting conditions will put an unnecessary strain on the eye and, as a result, can cause other problems like headaches. Therefore, it’s critical that you have the proper lighting for your office.
Besides being beneficial for health and work performance, having the right lighting fixtures can save up some costs. For instance, if you use an energy-efficient lighting system, you can significantly reduce your energy bills.
Doesn’t Apply Ergonomics
Taking care of your employee’s well-being is imperative to business success. One effective way to achieve this is through an ergonomics office furniture system. Ergonomics chairs and desks can go a long way in preventing neck injuries and back pain, and consequently, help them work more efficiently. Apart from the comforts, ergonomics furniture should also be functional. Furthermore, besides ergonomics furniture, opt for incorporating an ergonomic interior design that can help not only with your health but also work ethics.
There are many options when it comes to office furniture. Check out our complete ergonomic office furniture here.
Lacking space for relaxing or exercising
An active workforce can positively contribute to your business success. It’s no secret that the right amount of resting and exercising is required for working more efficiently.
Exercising is beneficial for our health, and it can greatly help us in the working environment as it improves our mood and focus. With that, make sure your office space planning takes a designated space for exercising into consideration. You don’t want your workforce to be sitting the whole day. You want them to move around and get their blood flowing. Encourage your workforce to stay active using the right office interior design and strategy.
A good office design takes effort and detailed planning. Let us help you with your office space planning so that you can achieve the optimal workspace for the success of your workforce and business! Contact us for more information and how to get started on your new office interior design.