2021 Office Interior Trends Worth Checking Out

Our world changed in 2020. Business and individuals alike had to make quick adjustments focused on safety and sustainability. The Covid-19 pandemic had a major effect on office interior design, especially at offices shared by dozens of people.

Will the situation be similar in 2021? A couple of new office interior design trends have emerged and these will probably dominate the commercial renovation landscape over the course of the year.

Functional Design Focused on Safety

As the world is still trying to fully combat the Covid-19 pandemic, office renovations will maintain a definite focus on safety.

Workstations spaced farther apart, movable partitions and dividers will all be utilised to create optimal conditions for employee health.

It’s also possible for designers to reduce the number of tactile surfaces. Smart lights that have no switches, sliding automatic doors and other similar choices will reduce risks by keeping tactile surfaces limited to the individual workspace.

Some designers have even observed more radical solutions like the return of the office cubicle. Chances are that many companies will go for modifiable cubicles in an attempt to ensure a smooth and safe return to office work over the course of 2021.

More Flexibility

Many companies are still employing a hybrid work mode – having some employees at the office and some people working remotely. The benefits of this mode are easy to see. A smaller space can be employed more effectively and work can be done without exposing vulnerable team members to risk.

Since remote work will remain a common trend in 2021, work spaces will probably be designed with more flexibility in mind.

The trend will also benefit the companies that had to downsize and move to a smaller office. In such cases, a single space that performs in more than one way will increase the value of the office. Multi-purpose solutions can also boost productivity by giving workers the tools and the conditions required to perform well.

Flexibility is fairly easy to accomplish. Movable partitions, modular furniture and work stations that aren’t fixed can all contribute.

To ensure flexible working practices, an employer will also have to provide the technology that allows employees to meet a goal in more than one way. Having a cool meeting room is a good idea. Large screens for tele-conferencing and remote meetings are also a good asset to have in times of uncertainty.

Mental Health and Wellness in the Spotlight

The recent changes that we all went through have pinpointed a couple of issues with hybrid and remote working methodologies.

Covid-19 social distancing measures have taken their toll on mental health.

Anxiety and depression are on the rise in Singapore due to the fact that people can no longer enjoy social interactions in a way that they used to before. The same applies to the manner in which colleagues converse with each other and execute projects together.

Corporate interior design will thus need to be more focused on wellness and mental health than ever before.

Facilities like a meditation room, a sports or an art corner can add much-needed serenity to the office.

The pandemic has reminded everyone of the importance and the value of the individual. Thus, interior design experts predict much more prominent human-centric concepts over the course of 2021.

Wellness elements don’t come solely in the form of serene solutions. Biophilia, HVAC systems that enhance air quality and improvements aimed at bringing more natural light into the office will also matter.

Sustainable and Paperless

Sustainability is another focal area that reduces clutter, makes offices more comfortable and reduces the cost of common everyday processes.

A switch from paper-based to digital offices has come with the remote culture of 2020. Thus, office renovation contractors are now recommending choices bound to increase sustainability within the workspace.

Building an environmentally-conscious image for a brand is also imperative in light of attracting young talent. Studies show that younger workforce members are exceptionally focused on sustainability and reducing the individual’s impact on the planet. A green corporate image is going to appeal to such potential employees.

Sustainability and paperless office designs can be introduced in a couple of ways.

Sourcing sustainable furniture is one of the easiest switches. There are many manufacturers that focus on environmentally-friendly or recycled materials. Other excellent sustainable choices include LED lights, passive ventilation, the use of low-emission materials, repurposing of old décor and environmentally-friendly flooring.

The right office interior design choices will encourage greener behaviour in the workplace. In a sense, such a switch will provoke a change in corporate culture that will have a lasting impact.

What’s Your Office Renovation Priority for 2021?

Are you looking forward to an office renovation or upgrade in 2021?

If so, you have many options and possibilities to consider.

The above-mentioned trends will result in a safer, better and more functional workspace. Not only are the outcomes of such choices aesthetic, they can also define the interactions between people and their productivity.

Don’t hesitate to seek out professional assistance in the implementation of a new office interior design concept.

The SORDC office interior design company has partnered with many businesses through the years, helping them bring out all the hidden benefits in their corporate space. If you’re ready to elevate the workspace experience for your team right now, get in touch with SORDC to explore your options.